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Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenija

Primary school dr. Ljudevita Pivka Ptuj, Slovenia, carries out the education process for children with special needs. The school was established as an autonomous institution in 1979. The school has 2.826 m2 indoor space and 454m2 of the green.  The following programs are implemented within the educational activities of the school:

- personalized training programme with lower educational standard; from grades 1 to 9. This program includes children with mild mental disabilities .

- The special educational programme from grades 1- 6. where children are included with moderate, severe and profound intellectual disabilities. These topics are a modified curriculum and in accordance with an individualized programme, created by the professional team in consultation and agreement with the parents.

For the first time since our school was founded, we will get a NEW school . We will be moved in it next year in summer time.  We are very happy for that moment!

Our new school is growing up :-) 

 fotos: schools archive

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